High heels, blisters, friction… Our feet are not always pampered. But it’s not too late to change that. Having a successful pedicure and having pretty feet is possible, even at home. Taking your pedicure set and following a few steps for successful foot care. Make a foot bath After removing any nail polish residue with nail polish remover, you should immerse your feet in a basin of hot water for 5-10 minutes in order to soften…
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How to take care of your feet?
To have beautiful feet, it is not necessary to make an appointment in a beauty salon. By knowing a few good things to do, you can do a lot of home foot care. There are many very simple rituals that can considerably improve the appearance and health of your feet. Start by drying them well after showering,it is essential so that no bacteria or fungus develop between our toes. Once your foot bath is done, take…
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