The Things You Need to Know about False Nails

The Things You Need to Know about False Nails

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As the product of nail salon supplies, the prospect of fake nails is very broad.There are two main techniques for applying false nails today: resin and UV gel modeling.
Resin is the oldest technique,the nail is prepared, polished, the resin is placed and modeled a first time roughly enough then you have to wait for it to dry.
Once dry, it will be shaped according to the shape of the natural nail and the desired length.
However, the resin strongly damages the natural nail, it will take a few months before it regains its previous appearance when you removed. Besides, it is very hard,which is very uncomfortable to wear.
UV gel modeling is therefore the most widely used method today, this technique also weakens the nail, which is covered with an unnatural substance.
Compared with the Resin, the gel is much more flexible and comfortable to wear, it does not break and does not cause pain during installation or in the event of impact.
If you want to use false nails, therefore, prefer UV gel, but remember that your natural nails will be sensitized and that you will need a small strengthening treatment.
Read also:our tips for applying your false nails correctly with glue.


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